The SandBox Files was my way for my friends and family to know what is going on with me while i was in Iraq in '06. The name comes from a cartoon panel I did the first time i was in Iraq in '03,if your familiar with Gary Larson's Farside single panels it was something like that... It has grown into a semi-regular glimpse into a former soldiers life.
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Mirror Maker
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I hate that.

I remember thinking earlier that I was really hungry. That was when I woke up. (At two pm this afternoon.) And then I remembered it was payday thursday, not to be confused by Pay day friday which is a lyric to a country song. So I took a shower and got dressed and eventually made my way down to work and picked up and cashed said pay. (sadly not very much money. but what can one expect?) After the check was cashed I decided to do some grocery shopping to hopefully appease the growling in my stomach although I did purchase some food I mostly purchased Liquids. 2 gallons of Iced Tea,1 gallon of Sunny D and 1 quart of Lemonade, I like to mix the Lemonade and iced tea to make my own arnold palmers. the point is that it is now ten after 8 in the evening and I still haven't eaten a damn thing... I hate that.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Can Do!!!

I went into work knowing that I would be getting off early because I had sometime to cut. I did not realize some time would be four and a half freaking hours. The earliest I have to be back to work is Friday night at midnight. So Here I am at 1:15 am with with the next seventy hours and forty five minutes ahead of me. What ever shall I do. Oh Watch movies play Fable 2, sleep glorious beautiful warm uninterrupted hours of sleep and basically accomplish nothing?Can Do!!!!
He said, "You gotta sprinkle a little gunpowder on your oatmeal, see. If you do, you'll live to a nice ripe old age."
So the cowboy did this religiously every day, and sure enough, lived to the nice ripe old age of 96.
When he died he left behind 4 children, 8 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren
...and a 16 foot hole in the wall of the crematorium.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Modern Marvels???

One significant difference between my annoying roommate and myself. (Aside from the consideration for others gene that he lacks.) And his unbelievable disgusting lack of manners. Is the nonsense that I catch him watching on TV. Right now he is watching the history channel, I have no prob with that because I know I have found myself staring at that channel for an hour or more at a time. I just don't understand the car shows. shrug. It might be that when I hear a title like Modern Marvels I think of a comic book company as opposed to a supercharged engine... I can be funny that way.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
In my underwear.

Here i am minutes before I leave for work, in my underwear. I wish I could have just one night to myself... but it would probably just make me even more tired. Oh good we've reached the whiney stage.... Oh joy... Nothing hotter than a 28 year old guy in his underwear whining... I am so hot right now....
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
The Little Things

So while waiting for a phone call today I was playing Fable 2 and stumbled across this Quote: "This is indigo of the rare montoya. You have crushed it's Flowers. Prepare to dye." The Actual quote from the movie is Hello. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." the quote is from one of my all time favorite movies, The Princess Bride. coming across the quote was completely random but now I have to be sure to pay even more attention... This might be the greatest game ever...
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Frick, frack.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
President Elect Barack Obama!!!

Today is going to be remembered as a day of 1sts in America, The first African-American president was elected. I can honestly say that this is truly an exciting day for me. and I will not sully it with any bad jokes.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Brrrrraaaiiinnsss make me laugh...

So I says to Gladys I says “BRRRAAAIIINNNS! BRRRAAAIIINNNS!” and she tells Herman at the corner store “BRRRAAAIIINNNS!BRRRAAAIIINNNS!” so of course Herman runs home to Agnes and says to her “BRRRAAAIIINNNS! BRRRAAAIIINNNS!” which you know how Agnes is, first thing she does is call up Dolores and go on and on about “BRRRAAAIIINNNS! BRRRAAAIIINNNS!” so Dolores can’t resist telling old Willie “BRRRAAAIIINNNS! BRRRAAAIIINNNS!” the next time she’s at the gas station and wouldn’t you know the next customer Willie has is Mr. Fillmore the bank president who gets to hear all about “BRRRAAAIIINNNS! BRRRAAAIIINNNS!” and naturally as soon as he gets back to the bank he tells his secretary, that Gloria, “BRRRAAAIIINNNS! BRRRAAAIIINNNS!” and let me tell you she’s got a mouth on her next thing you know my Edwin hears Gloria telling the guy at the newsstand “BRRRAAAIIINNNS!BRRRAAAIIINNNS!” and he comes home like he knows something and he asks me what do I know about this “BRRRAAAIIINNNS!BRRRAAAIIINNNS!” people are talking about and I go ””BRRRAAAIIINNNS!? BRRRAAAIIINNNS!? I started it!”
Then we ate each other’s brains.
So I saw this shirt.. and it made me laugh... Do Zombies Gossip???
Random Fact.... You just wasted 2 minutes of your life reading about zombie gossip...
Sunday, November 02, 2008

It's funny watching movies that I enjoyed as a child again as an adult, some of them are just as amazing as I remember and others are so terrible I can hardly sit thru them. Today I had the rare occurrence where I had both reactions with the same character in two movies. I watched Short Circuit and the sequel today, the Original is just as amazing as I remember and the sequel was a little difficult to sit thru. But in the end still a lot of fun.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
All hallows Day
Today is supposed to be a day of remembrance, unfortunately the only thing I can remember is how ridiculous my brother and his wife look dressed in drag. go figure. These are the images that will haunt my nightmares for years to come. My therapist thanks you.