Yep, totes didn't write a blog this week, and as I have less than 2 hours before next week starts you aren't going to be getting much out of me...
Today is mother's day in the UK so Helen and I spent the day with her parents and her Sister her husband and our nephew. It was Helen's sister's first mother's day (Phew that was a mouthful to say) and we had a fantastic roast lamb meal, that I couldn't possibly do justice to in blog format... Know that nomz were had.
I have every intention of writing more in the weeks to come, but this is all you get today....
Random Fact:
When Heinz ketchup leaves the bottle, it travels at a rate of 25 miles per year.
Well, with that trivia, whet more do you need?
Is that the frist time you had Lamb ?
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