Friday, November 06, 2009

The Meet & Greets!!!

So unfortunately I had to work today, so while Miss Abbott was able to get a few more hours of sleep, I was up bright and early for a 6:30 shift. I only had to work four and a half hours so as soon as I was done I drove home picked Miss Abbott up and we headed in the general direction of Tacoma, Washington. Our plan was to pick up the very talented Molly Lewis (more commonly known on the Interwebs as Sweetafton23) and then meet AdamtheAlien for a Frost park Chalk off. (For the record Frost Park is a tiny little beautiful memorial park.)
Unfortunately it was raining balls and we were unable to play with chalk. so instead we went and looked at some really awesome legal graffiti, had some really good soup and then after dropping Molly off we went and played Monopoly with Adam and his roommate.

After our Game (in which Helen destroyed all the American despite constantly referring to the currency as pounds, and not recognizing any of the spaces, apparently the British version is very different) Helen and I headed back towards home and dinner with my brother and his wife
we had some home made pizza and a night of board games and conversation the picture above was my brother celebrating making his weight for tomorrow's Jujitsu match. (note the creepy facial hair, a remnant of his Halloween costume where he portrayed a gay partially dressed construction worker, and meant to scare his opponents)
Tomorrow after my brothers match we are heading down to my mothers so that Miss Abbott can meet my Mom & Dad. I am very excited about getting there, not so much about the 12 hour round trip in two days.. But it will be very good.

Random Fact: Swallowed gum is not digested by the gastrointestinal system, it usually passes through within 24 hours. Take that fib telling parents...

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