Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

First and foremost I want to wish my mother Happy Birthday!!! I was going to say which birthday it was but I am pretty sure she would not appreciate that too very much. I hope you had a great day Mom. And now back to our regularly scheduled rant. Every once in a while I start to think that God’s sense of humor is directly linked to my state of well being. We are working a three on, one off schedule. Which is really about as ideal as we could hope for, except for the fact that each day we have to come in two and a half hours earlier than the previous day. Which means when we get off of work we have about nine and a half hours before we are due to be back at work. Needless to say sleep is becoming a high commodity in low supply. The past couple of days have been uneventful for the most part. We have had our fare share of little miss-haps. Two days ago we had something pierce the front driver side tire of one of our brand new ASVs . We have these very cool run flat tires so luckily we weren’t stuck anywhere. I really need to get run flat for my car back home. Now I don’t want you to think this is one of those little nails get stuck in the tires type of piercing. What ever this was it put a fair little hole into the sidewall of the tire. Anyway another little miss-hap happened last night do you remember a couple of months back one of the Hummv’s threw a belt, and tore all of the other belts? Well our new hummv’s only have one belt, but in true 528 QM form if that one belt goes the entire vehicle is dead in it’s tracks. While we were trying to fix the truck we broke a bolt that anchors one of the pulleys. So that truck is now completely dead lined. Deep exaggerated sigh. I don’t know if I mentioned it previously but while I was on leave the entire unit was split up into these tiny 3 man teams. My three man team consists of myself Tennessee and an NCO I have not worked with before. This guy... wow to say he is high strung is like saying Pinocchio was just a normal puppet. (See it’s funny because marionettes have strings, Well I thought it was funny… I don’t have to explain my humor to you. humph!) Anyway the guy is very tense. He also has feelings for a friend of mine, which puts me in a very amusing position. He really cares for this girl but do to work restrictions can not pursue her the way he would prefer. I think I am going to nick name him “Hard Hat” as he has an amusing habit of bumping his head repeatedly ( last night he managed to hit his head over 6 times three of which were hard enough to make him actually bleed... So I heard from a little birdie that I might be headed up to Anaconda (Or Balad as it was known when I was there during my last tour in Iraq.) If I do end up going that way it will be sometime next week and I will be there a little over a week or so. The official reason is to get the proper training to operate the ASV’s, The realistic reason is that they need to send a few of us to go up there to pick up some more ASV’s. I believe I will be flying up there and Driving back… Oh the fun!!! I will keep you all up to date on things as they develop...

Riddle Me This:
The Answer to the previous riddle is
And today’s riddle is as follows:
I am emeralds and diamonds, lost by the Moon; I am found by the Sun and picked up soon,
What am I???