Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Story Thus Far

So First and Foremost I should apologize for not posting sooner, a lot has happened in the time that has passed since my last post. A friend of mine back home recently left this world. I am not going into any more detail but suffice to say that her death caught us all by surprise. I have been literally burning the candle at both ends, as I said I missed a lot of training while I was in Hawaii. In the spirit of always being on the top of my game I have been trying to catch up with what ever I missed. Which means I have bounced around a lot. I am now the Gunner/Driver in an ASV which is a lot of fun. There is a lot that I can not actually talk about. Suffice to say, I am having all kinds of fun. Rocky and I have been talking a lot on the phone. Which has truly been the high light of my days. I am now on the night shift. Which for the most part is a good thing. Yesterday was a truly long day as I had to suffer thru a couple of briefings during what was supposed to be my sleeping hours and then work on top of that. I wanted to tell you all something that happened on the flight from Dallas to Kuwait that I forgot to mention. After about 4 or 5 hours there was an announcement over the PA system that they were looking for anyone who was a doctor. I got out of my seat and went and found one of the flight attendants, I informed them that although I wasn’t a doctor I did have some EMT training, They told me about a guy who had been vomiting profusely since take off, The guy was hard to miss he had been sprinting to the bathroom pretty much since take off. I talked to him and deduced (he he he such a good word.) Any way it sounded to me like the guy had a severe case of food poisoning. There was really nothing I could do as I had none of my med stuff with me. Some medic I am. I basically told the attendants to make sure he had plenty of water and some sodium crackers when he thought he could keep them down. I am such the hero.. LOL So things around here are as stupid as ever, The Invader is very high on my list of people I would really like to run over with a large 30,000 pound vehicle. Unfortunately I actually am in a position to be able to do just that. As you are probably aware we do not get along. Living with this kid is a constant reminder of why the Dali Llama lives alone on a mountain top. He separated our room which I was opposed to in the beginning, but the idea grew on me. P-Dale and the Brownie are doing alright there relationship is definitely going in the right direction. Brownie has some unknown issue with me which I haven’t figured out. I am sure it will blow over in time. Lets see RFG, Barbie, Trouble and the Mexican are all doing fine. They are all equally as excited as I am to be out of this God Forsaken country. The other day I received an email from some girl whom I haven’t spoken to since the third grade. Apparently my name stuck with her over the years and she came across me on one of the classmates web sites that I have an account with. Apparently I an unforgettable, even after almost twenty years. (I was in third grade in 1988) In other news I am a complete spaz, the other day as I was getting off work I had my IPOD and a Red Bull in the same pocket. ( I have no idea why I would do such a thing.) Anyway as I was pulling my Rucksack out of the back of the truck a corner of the ruck punctured the Red Bull and the IPOD was floating in Red Bull in seconds. The commercial says that Red Bull will give you wings apparently Red Bull gives your IPOD massive system failure. I now am in the possession of a 285 dollar paper weight, sigh. I do really have the worst luck with electronics. I do want to thank everyone for sending me emails with your concern, I really do love the fact that you all enjoy reading my random rants. And I promise that it will not be so very long until my next post.

Riddle me this...
The answer to the previous posts riddle is as follows
A bullet in a revolver...

And today’s riddle is...
Walk on the living they don’t even mumble, walk on the dead they mutter and grumble.
What are they?


Anonymous said...

Hey babe

Interesting entry, sorry abt the paperweight but dont fret a replacement is headed to you..Geeez! anyways..miss you so hurry up and get off work and call a girl


Mr. Brooks said...


Anonymous said...


Check your E-mail

Miss you so much

Keep safe

Love you

Gram & Gramps